The Spark

I’m not going to bore you with every detail of the story. Basically I met a guy, we went on a date and got along, he is friendly, genuine, intelligent and attractive. He texted; ten minutes after the date, an hour after the date, the next day and the day after. Odd, but the date was great so I see him again. We went on date two and it was average, nice, but certainly no fireworks. He texts immediately, I text three days later.
And now date three.

He listens intently to my story and seems interested. Why is he so interested? Should he really care? I don’t think I care…. He is just a friend, but why? We have quality conversations and debates. He has good morals. He travels, he can sing, he knows the words to Taylor Swift. He has ambition. Usually I would be swooning over a guy like this. What’s wrong?
I look at him across the table, questioning what it is, trying to pin point the problem.
Nope, nothing.

This doesn’t usually happen to me. If I find a guy attractive and we get along well I usually want more than friendship. But with Texterguy it just isn’t happening.

He pays for dinner. We walk to the theatre and enjoy the show.

Have I lost my sex drive? Am I blocking the idea of a relationship out of my mind because I’m going overseas? Am I looking for a man that doesn’t exist?

The show is over and we discuss the performance as we walk to the train station. We say goodbye at the station, he doesn’t make a move so I hug him and kiss him on the cheek three times in quick succession… take a hint?

Train home. I receive a text (surprise surprise)
‘…awesome… Dinner was lovely too. I’d love to do it again some time’ etc.
I’m not sure if I’d love to.
‘Glad you enjoyed the theatre. Thanks for dinner. 🙂 Travel safe! xo’

I have heard people say (okay movies, I have heard movies say) that ‘the spark’ is a myth, that it’s something someone made up so they didn’t have to call. I strongly disagree. The spark exists and sometimes I feel it. On the first date, on the second, gosh, SURELY by the third. It is this need to talk to the incredible person you are lucky enough to be spending time with. This sexual tension between the two of you when you are talking across a table, the hesitation and nervousness over kissing them. Them, that person with that beautiful face; how does someone have such a beautiful face? It’s butterflies, it’s lighting up when their name pops up on your phone. It’s hoping you aren’t the only one who feels it. It’s telling all your friends, it’s feeling bad for relating everything back to them, or not feeling bad at all. The spark is fantastic. But with Texterguy I just don’t feel it.

I’m not sure how I’m going to tell him. After three dates I feel like I have to at least text him. I might end things with Texterguy via text, how ironic.

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